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Rank a Day!

Twitter logo Made by @chrispattle
Next rank in {{ countdown.hours }}h {{ countdown.minutes }}m {{ countdown.seconds }}s

What is the best flavour of crisps?

41 people participated. Here are the results!

1) Cheese and onion 21.5%
2) Salt and vinegar 19.9%
3) Ready salted 17.1%
4) BBQ 13.0%
5) Prawn cocktail 6.1%
6) Paprika 5.7%
7) Sweet chili 4.9%
8) Worcester sauce 4.5%
9) Tomato ketchup 3.7%
10) Pickled onion 2.0%
11) Roast chicken 0.8%
12) Flame grilled steak 0.4%
13) Roast beef 0.4%
Take part in today's Rank a Day!

Don't forget to come back in {{ countdown.hours }}h {{ countdown.minutes }}m {{ countdown.seconds }}s for tomorrow's Rank a day!